Everything You Should Know About Nocturnal Asthma

Everything You Should Know About Nocturnal Asthma
Asthma is a very common disorder which causes shortness of breath and difficulty in breathing. You should immediately visit an allergy specialist if you experience difficulty in breathing. Here is everything you need to know about nocturnal asthma.
Nocturnal Asthma
Normally, asthma can affect you any time of the day and you can feel its symptoms affect you in every way during the day. Nocturnal asthma is a little different from the typical asthma, which is triggered and becomes severe during the night time.
You can experience difficulties in breathing and you will wheeze a lot during the night, as compared to during the day. Hence, the name, nocturnal asthma. This can also cause you to jolt out of sleep and get your breathing under control and then you will find it hard to fall asleep, in case the symptoms worsen again, this is why most patients tend to stay awake for the most part of the night, until they feel like they can sleep properly again.
This is a very uncomfortable and unpleasant situation, knowing that you can’t be able to sleep until the morning comes, because the night time tends to worsen your symptoms of asthma and if you can’t breathe freely during the night while you sleep, you will not want to sleep altogether.
Moreover, this can bleed into a lot of psychological problems and your mind will always stay alert and active at night, this will really affect your overall mood and well-being and you will not want to fall asleep at night, because your mind will be triggered by the unpleasant events which take place after you fall asleep and you start to feel like your breath is becoming shorter and shorter.
Causes Of Nocturnal Asthma
Although asthma has no such clinical cause, here are some potential triggers which can worsen the symptoms of asthma during night.
- You are sleeping in a very uncomfortable position, like on your stomach, legs elevated and head down. This will be a huge trigger for an asthmatic attack.
- You might already have sinusitis which may cause difficulty in breathing and you will not want to lie down.
- A blocked nose or throat will also cause shortening of breath and you will experience more and more difficulty in taking normal breaths.
- Some allergens or triggers can also nocturnal asthma.
- Several hormone secretions can also lead to an asthmatic attack.
Symptoms Of Nocturnal Asthma
Here are some very commonly occurring symptoms of nocturnal asthma.
- You will only feel difficulty in breathing and wheezing during the night. You will be fine during the rest of the day.
- You will feel coughing fits come up and they will take a while to subside.
- Your chest will wheeze a lot, especially if you are jolted awake from your sleep, after experiencing an asthmatic attack.
- You will feel like your chest is tightening and you will have difficulty in expanding your chest, whenever you try to take a breath.
- If you are in a closed and confined space, like a room where the air conditioning is on, you will feel even more stiffness than usual.
- Your airways may be blocked and inflamed because of any infection which is causing this asthma to worsen with time.
- You might also have mucus in your throat and nose, especially if you already have a history with sinusitis.
- You will also feel like your throat is getting closed.
Treatment For Nocturnal Asthma
Here are some treatment options for nocturnal asthma.
- You need to invest in an inhaler. This will help you get the symptoms under control, and your breathing too.
- Try to sleep by keeping the windows open, so that there is plenty of ventilation.
- Have your head elevated when sleeping, this will keep the airways free and you will have a peaceful night.
- Try to wear loose clothes, so they don’t add to the discomfort you are already feeling.
- Have anti-inflammatory medicine on hand, so you can pop it in your mouth when the symptoms worsen.
There you have it! Nocturnal asthma is a very common type of asthma and now you know everything about it. Make sure you have the number of a hospital or asthma doctor in your speed dial for severe cases.